Noorin + Feisal Wedding Celebrations!
Our Alberta couple had an incredible weekend for their wedding festivities. Hot and humid one day, and hot and stormy the other (does that sound weird?) In this blog post we combine Noorin's Mendhi Party and the Wedding Ceremony. The two days of celebrating we had with this couple was fantastic. We appreciate you having us as your Wedding Photographers!
Noorin's Mendhi Party!!
This Mendhi Party hosted 130 people in Noorin's Markham home. The Mendhi artists were amazing. These ladies were quick at what they do with beautiful results! We were told in advance it wasn't going to be the "traditional" Indian Mendhi Party, but Noorin still incorporated what was important to her and their families. The traditions we got to experience were incredible. The food (SOOOoo much food), seemed never ending and so good! What a great turn out and the atmosphere was amazing!
Wedding Day!!
When we arrived Noorin was ready to get her sari on. It was like watching art take place in front of your eyes. There is definitely an art to draping and wearing a sari. Well done ladies! We had a few minutes at Richmond Park before the rain started, but our umbrellas came in handy. N+F worked those umbrellas into their photos perfectly! The rain picked up during the ceremony (which was beautiful) and made an interesting take on the ice cream truck Feisal rented for Noorin. In the end, I believe we got the shots they were hoping for with it...and the ice cream!
Congratulations you two! Thank you for having us be part of your Wedding!
First up, The Mendhi Party!!
Then comes the Wedding Day!